What a better way to celebrate Lá Glas ar scoil than with a céilí sa halla!! This was a céilí with a twist and the children danced and enjoyed the music in their own unique way. We had two céilí, one for Junior Infants to 2nd Class and another for 3rd to 6th Class. Do check out our videos. Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!
Fingal Primary Schools AthleticsHansfield super runners travelled to Porterstown Park on Tuesday to take part in the Fingal Primary Schools Athletics League. What a beautiful sunny spring day. Well done to all our runners.
PTA Lantern Walk 2023What an evening it was!! Thank you to all parents and pupils who supported this wonderful school community event. You raised over €5,500 for our school. We, once again, send thanks to our PTA. They continually organise successful school events effortlessly. However, behind every event is a huge amount of organisation, work, commitment and time by our PTA. Thank you from all of us. CHECK OUT OUR VIDEO... 10/2/2023
STEM Week At HansfieldThis week saw Hansfield pupils and teachers engaging in all things STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). There were games, experiments, quizzes, fun and learning about these four important subjects - all of which are vital in today's world and will offer career paths to pupils in the future. The week culminated in a STEM EXPO held on Friday, to which parents were invited to attend. Do check our Expo Video..... 4/2/2023
Peace Proms 2023Peace Proms is a music education resource for Primary Schools which culminates in a large-scale performance for choirs and orchestra at iconic venues throughout the USA, Ireland and Northern Ireland. The programme promotes ‘peace through music’ and already engages almost 35,000 children from 600 schools giving them the opportunity to sing in a large-scale production with a choir of up to 3,000 and a full symphony youth orchestra.
The Hansfield Peace Proms Choir, consisting of 67 singers from 4th and 5th Class, was once again part of this wonderful annual event. After months of practice and instruction from Emily, Kathy Elaine O, Bernadine and Aishling O, the choir went on stage with other schools from around Ireland in an entertaining and uplifting concert at the RDS on Saturday 4th February 2023. Something for future 4th and 5th Class pupils to be part of!! Check out our photos...... 30/1/2023
Community Inter-school quizOn Monday, 30th January Hansfield ETNS was represented at the Blanchardstown Community Credit Union Inter-School by some of the best quizzers in Hansfield.
Held in the Crowne Plaza in Blanchardstown, 32 schools entered over 50 teams for the event, with over 200 students in attendance. The Minister for Children, Roderic O’Gorman, joined in the fun and acted as Quiz Master. Our two teams did very well and represented our school with aplomb! Well done to our quizzers and a huge thanks to Joe and Alison for organising and accompanying the children on the night. 16/12/2022
PTA Hot Chocolate & Cookie DayOnce gain, our PTA put on a wonderful event for everyone at Hansfield while at the same time raising funds for the school. With the freezing weather, what could be better than a hot chocolate and cookie at pick-up time??? It was no mean feat to make hot chocolate and cookies for hundreds of parents and children but, as usual, the PTA made it look effortless. We hope you enjoyed the day. A huge thank to the PTA and to all of you who came along, joined the long queue and supported and had fun!!! You raised an astonishing €1,064 for our school. 15/12/2022
A message from King CharlesWhen Queen Elizabeth II passed away last September, Gillian P's 4th Class took it upon themselves to send a letter of condolence to the new King Charles.
They were delighted this morning to receive a card from King Charles thanking them for reaching out to him and his family at a very sad time for them. It seems the King was thankful for this kind gesture from the pupils at Hansfield ETNS. 15/12/2022
Festive Door CompetitionIn a bumper week of seasonal fun, yesterday saw the judging of the Festive Door Competition by our resident judges, our PTA!! They were so impressed with the creativity across all doors, it was only after much deliberation that they were able to choose one winning door from each group. Winners were Caoimhe's JI Class, Kim's SI Class, Cormac's 1st Class, Maggie's 2nd Class, Emma's 3rd Class, Aileen's 4th Class, Bernadine's 5th Class, Alo's 6th Class and Katia and Clíona's classes. Winning teachers were Aishling and Sinéad!! Well done to everyone. Why don't you take a look at our short video and judge for yourself!! Thank you to Michelle, our wonderful SNA, for organising this event... 12/12/2022
Christmas Jumper Day 2022Last Friday's Hansfield Christmas Jumper Day raised €750 to support Children's Health Ireland. A huge thank you to parents, pupils and staff for your support. In addition to the funds raised, we had a joyous day and the snow definitely added to the Christmas atmosphere - check out our video!! THANK YOU TO ALL! |